AMWUA Press Room

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Mar 27 2020Share

Arizona’s Water Supplies Remain Secure and Resilient

Jointly issued by: ADEQ, ADWR, AMWUA, CAP, SRP

Water is critical to public health, our quality of life, the desert environment and our economy. That is why we are all doing our part to ensure you always have water at your tap, even during times of concern.

We have planned and invested in robust and resilient water supplies, infrastructure and processes so that your local water provider can deliver you water every day of every year. Through our collaborative efforts, we can bring water from Arizona’s mountains and the Colorado River, and manage our groundwater.

We are each taking extra precautions by implementing resiliency plans that have been developed for times like these to better ensure essential operations continue without interruption and we can fully support local water providers - all of which could not be achieved without the dedicated efforts of all of our employees.

Together we remain committed to safeguarding our water supplies so they remain secure not just for today, but for the future.

For additional information, please visit the following:



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