Issues and News
Where we stand on the issues
Smart water policy and careful planning, investment, and management have enabled AMWUA’s members to build robust, reliable water supplies that support our communities and economy. It is imperative that we continue to address the issues in front of us to ensure the future viability of those supplies. Learn more about some of the issues we are working on:

Water Conservation Rebate Tax Parity
Taxing water conservation rebates impedes efforts to encourage the adoption of water efficiency measures.

Drought & Shortage
Ongoing drought, climate change, and over-allocation of the Colorado River system place increasing pressure on Arizona’s water supplies.

Colorado River Shortage
Levels at Lake Mead are rapidly dropping, in part, because the water stored in this reservoir is over allocated to the states that share it. This puts...
Where we stand on Legislation
2024 - Fifty-sixth Legislature - Second Regular Session
Arizona Senate
SB 1114
assured water supply; analysis; availability
In Brief
Requires the Arizona Department of Water Resources to accept previously issued Analyses of Assured Water Supply as valid demonstrations of groundwater physical availability when processing Certificate of Assured Water Supply applications.
Arizona House
HB 2692
appropriation; department of water resources
In Brief
Cuts Arizona Department of Water Resources’ budget by 45%
HCR 2039
assured water supply; legislative intent
In Brief
HCR 2039 expresses the Legislature’s disapproval of the Alternative Pathway to Designation rulemaking and Arizona Department of Water Resources’ denial of Certificate of Assured Water Supply applications based on projections of unmet demand in groundwater models.
HB 2297
designation; assured water supply; offset
In Brief
Establishes the Alternative Pathway to Designation in statute, but lowers the groundwater offset from 25% to 5%.
AMWUA Press Room

New Arizona bill aims to curb groundwater decline and protect rural farmers
Bipartisan lawmakers introduced ...

Mesa amps up water conservation efforts
Over 600 homes through a city incentive program have replaced over 13 acres of grass with less-thirsty landscaping, saving Mesa an estimated 142 million gallons of water in 17 years....

SRP reservoirs remain mostly full as Arizona drought conditions worsen
SRP’s seven reservoirs along the Salt and Verde Rivers supply about half of the Valley’s water. And SRP senior hydrologist Stephen Flora said right now is usually the season when those reservoirs would be gaining water, but not this year....

Trump spending slash could put Colorado River conservation in 'world of hurt'
The Trump administration’s move to halt spending on “green” energy programs leaves a big question mark hanging over federally funded water conservation efforts from Tucson to Southern California’s Imperial Valley to the Colorado Rockies....

Federal money will help connect CAP, SRP canals, stretching water supplies for citie
A coalition of 14 central Arizona municipalities and water companies is working to complete the interconnection between the Central Arizona Project and the Salt River Project, two water systems that collectively serve more than 80% of Arizo...
Water is essential for life
It supplies food, generates energy, and creates jobs. The wellbeing of our communities and economies depends on it. In a desert, we are acutely aware that we must continue to plan, invest, and develop forward-thinking policy today to ensure safe, reliable, and sustainable water supplies for the future.