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A Time to Celebrate Tap Water

Published May 10, 2021

Only tap water delivers public health protection, fire protection, support for our economy, and the quality of life we enjoy. Any measure of a prosperous society – low mortality rates, economic growth and diversity, productivity, and public safety – are in some way related to access to safe water.

With the recognition of Drinking Water Week occurring last week, it is still an opportune time to highlight the critical role water plays in our lives and reemphasize that your tap water is safe, clean, protected, and there when you need it.

The safety and security of Arizona’s water supplies are always a top priority for the ten AMWUA cities. Each AMWUA municipality is committed to ensuring you have water service every day of every year, regardless of the situation.

Water utilities are among the most regulated industries in the country. Our municipalities consistently meet or exceed all of the safe drinking water standards set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) , the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) , and the Maricopa County Environmental Services Department . These requirements fall under the Safe Water Drinking Act, bringing accountability and safeguarding high water quality standards. 

Every year, Valley water utilities collectively perform millions of tests and measurements to ensure water treatment and distribution systems are safe. Each of the AMWUA cities has an aggressive water quality program with dedicated staff. These professionals head out daily to the various water service areas to ensure the water you receive is of the highest drinking water quality. This includes testing hundreds of substances using state-of-the-art equipment and laboratories to ensure your water consistently meets the safe drinking water standards, which is not a simple process.

When you consider the multiple sources of water utilized by the AMWUA cities, including the Colorado River, Salt and Verde Rivers, and groundwater, our cities must use different levels of treatment due to varying particles that accompany the water from the diverse sources. Not all water can be treated equally, so the water quality process is done at a stringent level. Addressing those treatment challenges is why the cities invested and continue to invest in their vast infrastructure and advanced treatment facilities. Due to those investments in innovation and infrastructure, there is always enough safe and regulated water for all of us to use whenever we need it while striving to keep it affordable for households throughout the Valley.

In addition to the treatment process and continual monitoring and testing of water samples, each municipality must provide regular reports on their water quality detailing each sample. Each city also provides an annual water quality report to its customers, demonstrating the reliability of our safe drinking water and significantly reducing the danger of a major water contaminant crisis.

So remember, your water utility works hard around the clock to ensure high-quality drinking water is there whenever you need it. Whether it’s to cool off after a workout or warm up in a hot bath, make your favorite cup of tea or morning coffee. We need it to drink, cook, and clean everything around us, including the clothes you wear. Most importantly, it is always accessible to use to ensure the health and safety of ourselves, our loved ones, and our communities.

You can always get information about the quality of the water delivered to your home from your local water provider.

The American Water Works Association and its members have celebrated Drinking Water Week for 40 years. It’s a unique opportunity for both water professionals and the communities they serve to join together in recognizing the vital role water plays in our daily lives.

For over 50 years, the Arizona Municipal Water Users Association has worked to protect our member cities’ ability to provide assured, safe, and sustainable water supplies to their communities. For more water information, visit .

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