Recapping the Year in Water

Published Dec 28, 2020

As we look forward to a new year, we all hope it will bring more certainty than what we encountered in 2020. Despite a pandemic and the challenges we faced this past year, the AMWUA municipalities worked diligently to keep the water flowing, while their planning and safeguarding efforts never stopped. That strong water management plays a critical role in ensuring we have water here in the desert now and in the future.

For all 52 weeks that made up this unprecedented year, the AMWUA Blog continued to focus on priority areas to the AMWUA municipalities. Although the topics of our blog vary, the goal has remained the same – to provide understandable, reliable, and useful information to help ensure all readers - decision-makers, residents, business owners, and water professionals - are informed on all relevant issues, challenges, and matters that affect us all here in the Valley as well as across Arizona. After all, being responsible with the water we have is up to each of us.

As we conclude this year that has brought forth many unforeseen challenges, we wanted to recap some of those relevant issues, challenges, and subjects we tackled in our blog in 2020.

Cities and Their Essential Workers Dedicated to Continued Delivery of Safe and Secure Water
Throughout this year of unknowns, cities continued to provide seamless services in many areas, including public safety, sanitation, transit, recycling, streets, and of course, water and wastewater services.

Municipalities had to adjust how their services were being managed and delivered with the continually evolving circumstances. City staff worked diligently to provide these critical services while safeguarding the health of employees and the public during this pandemic and will continue to do because the safety and security of Arizona's water supplies is a top priority for the ten AMWUA cities. 

Groundwater in Arizona: Past, Present, and Future
This year we celebrated the 40th Anniversary of the Groundwater Management Act. Through a three-part series on groundwater, we took a look back at the past, acknowledged how far we have come and discussed the challenges and the groundwater pumping concerns we still collectively face.

Taking a Hard Look at Safe-yield
The effectiveness of safe-yield as a water management goal has been periodically questioned throughout the 40 years that have followed the Groundwater Management Act. As we look forward to the next 40 years, now is the right time to evaluate our progress towards achieving safe-yield, a unique objective of the Groundwater Management Act.

Understanding Water in Arizona and the Importance of Conservation
We use water every day, which is why it's essential to realize that those daily choices affect our future, especially in our desert climate. That is why wise water use is a vital part of our long-term planning because water management and efficient water use provide the foundation for sustainable growth and a thriving economy.

We understand that being informed on the collective issues we face is important, which is why providing insight and facts will remain a priority for us here at AMWUA every week. So please stay tuned in 2021.

For over 50 years, the Arizona Municipal Water Users Association has worked to protect our member cities' ability to provide assured, safe, and sustainable water supplies to their communities. For more information, visit .

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