Legislation Archive

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2024 - Fifty-sixth Legislature - Second Regular Session
Watershed health; use; survey

SB 1329: Watershed health; use; survey

In Brief: Among other things, requires ADWR to complete a survey of the status of the waters of Arizona by December 31, 2026.

Sponsor(s): Sundareshan

Last Action:

Description: This bill, along with HB 2357, would require ADWR to establish criteria to evaluate the status of the relationship between “ecological water needs”, groundwater withdrawal, and surface water appropriations in Arizona. This bill also requires ADWR to complete a survey of the status of the waters of Arizona by December 31, 2026. This survey must include an assessment of the overall health of all watersheds in the state, and a lesser assessment of the health of sub-watersheds and the health of the ecosystems they support. ADWR must also determine the appropriate steps to be taken to remedy the problems in these watersheds and recommend legislation through which to take these steps. ADWR is also required to hold public meetings and receive and publish public comments on this survey and make the survey public when it is complete. This bill also includes the same requirements for follow-up surveys and the same definitions that are included in HB 2320.

Link: https://apps.azleg.gov/BillStatus/BillOverview/80840

2024 - Fifty-sixth Legislature - Second Regular Session
Regulatory costs; rulemaking; ratification

SB 1339: Regulatory costs; rulemaking; ratification

In Brief: Requires legislative ratification for any proposed rule that will cost the state more than $500,000 within five years.

Sponsor(s): Carroll

Last Action:

Description: This bill, along with SB 1153, would prohibit any proposed rule that will cost the state more than $500,000 within five years from going into effect until the Legislature enacts legislation ratifying the proposed rule. An agency would be required to submit the proposed rule to the (newly created?) Administrative Rules Oversight Committee, and the Committee would submit the rule to the Legislature “as soon as practicable”. The agency is prohibited from submitting a finalized rule until the Legislature ratifies the rule, and the agency must terminate the proposed rule if the Legislature fails to ratify it within the same legislative session that it was submitted to the Committee. The more recently introduced SB 1339 would have the same effect as SB 1153, except that SB 1339 would also apply to the Arizona Corporation Commission, whereas SB 1153 exempts the ACC.

Link: https://apps.azleg.gov/BillStatus/BillOverview/80855

2024 - Fifty-sixth Legislature - Second Regular Session
Residential building materials; requirements; prohibition

HB 2584: Residential building materials; requirements; prohibition

In Brief: Prohibits a municipality from prohibiting building materials that are approved by relevant national model codes.

Sponsor(s): Gillette

Last Action: This bill passed Senate GOV with a 7-0-1-0 vote on March 21st.

Description: This bill would prohibit a municipality from directly or indirectly prohibiting the use of building materials used in construction or modification of a residential building if that material is approved by a relevant national model code. A municipality would also be prohibited from applying similar restrictions on materials used in construction or modification of prefabricated buildings. Municipalities use building regulations and plumbing codes to improve water efficiency in residences by requiring certain water efficient appliances and fixtures. For example, some cities and towns require appliances with third-party water efficiency certifications such as EPA WaterSense. Similarly, cities and towns may incorporate green building and graywater regulations into their municipal codes to encourage more efficient water reuse. These regulations may not be part of a national model code but are nonetheless important for reducing water use and stretching every drop of water further here in Arizona. Therefore, this bill is concerning because it could make it harder for cities and towns to require necessary water conservation measures that help ensure water security for all of us.

Link: https://apps.azleg.gov/BillStatus/BillOverview/80444

2023 - Fifty-sixth Legislature - First Regular Session
Appropriation; on-farm efficiency fund

HB 2026: Appropriation; on-farm efficiency fund

In Brief: Appropriates $30 million to UofA for agricultural irrigation efficiency grants.

Sponsor(s): Dunn

Last Action: Passed Senate APPROP on March 21st.

Description: Appropriates $30 million to the “On-farm irrigation efficiency fund” created in the 2022 legislative session. The Fund is administered by University of Arizona and designed to fund improvements in irrigation water efficiency. The Fund is reportedly on track to have spent the entire $30 million appropriation from the 2022 budget, offering $1,500 per AF. For more information: https://extension.arizona.edu/water-irrigation-efficiency-program

Link: https://apps.azleg.gov/BillStatus/BillOverview/78103

2023 - Fifty-sixth Legislature - First Regular Session
Assured water; small residential developments

HB 2048: Assured water; small residential developments

In Brief: Requires development in unincorporated areas with 6 residences or more to obtain a Certificate of AWS

Sponsor(s): Bliss

Last Action: Was never heard in committee.

Description: The bill would require any developer who seeks a building permit for 6 or more residences in an unincorporated area of an AMA to apply for a Certificate of Assured Water Supply (AWS). This proposed concept differs from the existing AWS regulations by triggering the requirement with a building permit, rather than subdivision plat. It also requires a Certificate for rental properties, which are currently exempted from the AWS Program.

Link: https://apps.azleg.gov/BillStatus/BillOverview/78128

2023 - Fifty-sixth Legislature - First Regular Session
S/e gray water reuse; residential standards; rules

HB 2143: S/e gray water reuse; residential standards; rules

In Brief: Allows ADEQ to permit a gray water system that would use recycled shower and bath water for indoor toilet flushing.

Sponsor(s): Kerr

Last Action: Bill was signed into law by the Governor on May 1, 2023.

Description: This bill allows ADEQ to permit a graywater system that would use recycled shower and bath water for indoor toilet flushing. Such systems would only be for new builds, must have a NSF 350 Class R Certification - consistent with both the International Plumbing Code and the Uniform Plumbing Code, and meet ADEQ’s regulatory rules for such system, which ADEQ would be tasked to develop. Currently, Arizona allows graywater use outside but not indoors. This concept arose from a piloted indoor residential graywater project among Tucson Water, Lennar Homes and Greyter Water Systems that was initiated in 2019. The pilot estimated a family of four can save close to 9,000 gallons annually. California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, and Texas are the most notable states that allow graywater for shower to toilet use that is consistent with the two common plumbing codes requiring NSF 350. The positives for allowing ADEQ to permit this type of graywater system is it would be another step in using technology to advance water conservation, it only applies to new builds, and it increases public familiarity and acceptance with recycling water.

Link: https://apps.azleg.gov/BillStatus/BillOverview/78228

2023 - Fifty-sixth Legislature - First Regular Session
Subsequent irrigation; non-expansion areas; procedures

HB 2164: Subsequent irrigation; non-expansion areas; procedures

In Brief: Modifies the procedures for determination of a new Irrigation Non-Expansion Area (INA)

Sponsor(s): Stahl Hamilton

Last Action: Was never heard in committee.

Description: This measure introduces a number of modifications to the procedures for establishment of new irrigation non-expansion areas (INA). The proposal would allow ADWR to consider projected rates of groundwater withdrawal as part of the determination of a new INA. The bill also clarifies which entities are eligible to petition the State to create a new INA and requires that petitioners submit a groundwater model and hydrologic assessment using methodology approved by the ADWR Director. The language aligns with the suggested statutory changes presented by ADWR in the summer of 2017 during the Governor’s Water Solutions Conversations. The bill has been introduced successively for a number of years, and AMWUA has supported the legislation.

Link: https://apps.azleg.gov/BillStatus/BillOverview/78261

2023 - Fifty-sixth Legislature - First Regular Session
S/e appropriation; brackish groundwater studies

HB 2217: S/e appropriation; brackish groundwater studies

In Brief: Appropriates $50,000 to ADWR in FY24 to review and update studies on brackish groundwater in Arizona.

Sponsor(s): Griffin

Last Action: Passed Senate NREW on March 9th.

Description: Appropriates $50,000 to ADWR in FY24 to review and update studies on brackish groundwater in Arizona.

Link: https://apps.azleg.gov/BillStatus/BillOverview/78315

2023 - Fifty-sixth Legislature - First Regular Session
Wells; permits; spacing rules

HB 2260: Wells; permits; spacing rules

In Brief: Requires ADWR adopt well spacing rules for wells >35 gpm outside of AMAs

Sponsor(s): Cano

Last Action: Was never heard in committee.

Description: Requires that ADWR adopt rules governing the location of new and replacement wells >35 gpm located outside of AMAs, within groundwater basins that the Director determines to be experiencing declining groundwater levels. AMWUA has historically supported legislation to this effect.

Link: https://apps.azleg.gov/BillStatus/BillOverview/78363

2023 - Fifty-sixth Legislature - First Regular Session
Groundwater pumping; measuring; reporting

HB 2266: Groundwater pumping; measuring; reporting

In Brief: Requires measuring, monitoring and annual reporting for nonexempt groundwater wells throughout the state.

Sponsor(s): Cano

Last Action: Was never heard in committee.

Description: Requires measuring, monitoring and annual reporting for nonexempt groundwater wells throughout the state. Water users who irrigate 10 or fewer acres that are not part of a larger farming operation, or water users who pump <10 acre-feet per year for non-irrigation use are exempted from this requirement. AMWUA supported this legislation in the 2020 and 2021 sessions.

Link: https://apps.azleg.gov/BillStatus/BillOverview/78380