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Advanced Water Purification will strengthen Arizona’s water security

Published Nov 19, 2024

Many people have misconceptions about Advanced Water Purification (AWP) because they are unfamiliar with the innovative technology that treats this vital water source and its advantages. AWP has been shown to provide a safe, reliable, and sustainable drinking water supply resilient against drought and weather fluctuations. 

Earlier this month, the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) announced the publication of the Notice of Proposed Rulemakings (NPRMs) for the Advanced Water Purification (AWP) regulatory program . The proposed AWP program will allow communities and private water providers to install innovative water reuse processes, treating and purifying recycled water to drinking water standards. 

This milestone marks a significant step in enhancing Arizona’s water sustainability and addressing the state's ongoing water challenges. However, it is unfortunate that some tend to misrepresent this valuable water source by utilizing phrases like “toilet-to-tap” and “poop water” and only focus on "the ick factor” when talking about Advanced Water Purification. Using these phrases diminishes the water’s value and the amazing technology we can utilize even here in a water-stressed desert. 

It's important to understand that all water is just “one” water. All water on our planet is recycled, as it has been used and reused since the beginning of time. Advanced Water Purification technology speeds up the same process to provide us with a safe, drought-proof drinking water supply of higher quality than what occurs naturally. It is efficient and cost-effective on a large scale and would immediately boost local water supplies. Utilizing recycled water in this way is not new - NASA has used it for decades, and it is currently used worldwide, from Singapore to Texas.   

Permitting water providers to utilize Advanced Water Purification technology allows Arizona to continue securing its water future. AWP stretches our water through technology-based science and its worldwide utilization. It is a tool that can help our desert communities become more resilient to drought conditions and ensure a consistent and reliable source of safe drinking water. 

  • AWP is safe and reliable: AWP utilizes multiple treatment methods to purify the water further. The result is purified water that is cleaner than most bottled water and complies with or exceeds strict state and federal drinking water standards. 
  • AWP enhances water security: This drought-proof water source can boost water supply reliability by providing a more immediate and direct source of drinking water than indirect potable reuse or water sources stressed by drought or shortage. 
  • AWP is more cost-effective on a large scale: The proposed regional facility for the Phoenix metropolitan area could treat 60 million gallons daily. That amount cannot be achieved by indirect potable reuse , which involves discharging treated reclaimed water into a groundwater basin or river channel before withdrawing it and piping it for further treatment and distribution. AWP does not require storage and recovery, which brings additional savings. It would also not require expanding the separate infrastructure to convey non-potable water to specific end-users, such as golf courses and industrial facilities.  
  • AWP is drought-proof: It is less sensitive to climate-related challenges, such as prolonged droughts. It can reduce our reliance on other water supplies that are experiencing shortages due to drought or other environmental conditions.

As water challenges rise, many local municipal water suppliers are investigating strategies to boost their water supply and strengthen long-term water security. Advanced Water Purification is an available solution for a safe, reliable, and viable new source of drinking water that can be implemented in the next few years. There is nothing unpleasant about that.

For 55 years, the Arizona Municipal Water Users Association has worked to protect our member cities’ ability to provide assured, safe, and sustainable water supplies to their communities. For more water information, visit .

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