Expanding Conservation Through WaterSmart Innovations

Published Oct 18, 2022

Water challenges exist across our country, yet they are not all the same due to diverse local water sources, varying climates, and different stages of drought. Now, as water utilities become increasingly challenged by our changing climate, evolving regulations, aging infrastructure, conservation needs, and much more, it's even more vital that they work together on their shared goal of developing and adopting water-efficient programs and policies. Collaboration among the industry is key to achieving efficiency and deepening the conservation ethic in our nation.

Earlier this month, over 700 of these industry professionals from across the country gathered at the WaterSmart Innovations Conference and Expo (WSI) to discuss the development of new technologies, strategies, and programs. WSI is the largest urban water-efficiency conference of its kind, which is why AMWUA and many member municipalities have been a part of the event since its inception in 2007. This year, staff members from AMWUA and the AMWUA cities took part in the event as speakers, highlighting the level of expertise within the Valley. It also shows their leadership to other conservation departments across the country. Some of the sessions they led included: Increasing Engagement with HOAs for Landscape Water Budgets (Goodyear); Growth in a Time of Drought (Phoenix); Smart Controller Pilot Project (Gilbert); Quantification is Critical for the Future of Conservation (AMWUA).

Throughout the two-day event, attendees learned from research studies worldwide. They saw demonstrations of the latest technology to enhance efficiency and options for expanding programs and new tools available to residents and businesses in their communities. Additionally, they had the opportunity to participate in pre-conference workshops on various conservation measures and tours. During the expansive range of sessions and workshops, attendees shared innovative ideas, engaged in passionate discussions about the impact of conservation across the country, current water demand trends, and made personal connections that are vital to collaborating year-round.

In addition to WSI's workshops and break-out sessions, attendees spent time at an expo showcasing advanced water products, services, water-saving technologies, and conservation programs from around the country, including AMWUA. This is a prime opportunity to highlight the local conservation programs, resources, and tools that help residents save water inside and outdoors, further deepening our strong conservation ethic here in the Valley.

Overall, the event was inspiring to those who attended. Challenges may lie ahead, but this continued collaboration highlights the passion among water professionals across the country. Ultimately, it's about having shared goals for the common good and advancing water conservation which has become even more critical during a time of challenges, such as the Colorado River shortage.

Take a moment to visit your local water conservation office website to explore the programs, rebates, and resources available to you.

For over 50 years, the Arizona Municipal Water Users Association has worked to protect our member cities' ability to provide their communities with assured, safe, and sustainable water supplies. For more water information, visit .

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