Landscaping with Style


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Sprawling vines and palm trees
Large shade tree
Landscape Designer: Sara Jacoby
Xeriscaped front yard. Landscape Designer: Sara Jacoby
Assortment of desert plants
Succulent and lantana
Cactus with lantana backdrop
Cacti with wildflowers
Xeriscape yard
Assortment of plants
Various drought tolerant plants
Parry's Agave and Desert Marigold
Ocotillo with Mexican Evening Primrose
Colorful flowers and shrubs
Plants in pots
Cactus in planter
Various cacti
Xeriscape with statue
Desert plants
Plants along beautiful red wall
Desert trees and shrubs
Desert plants with house in background
Mature mesquite tree
Xeriscaping, side yard
Desert adapted plants in pots
Stunning prickly pear
Various desert plants
Outdoor living in the Sonoran Desert- native plants provide, shade, color and texture. (Palo Verde tree- by chair, Ocotillo- center, Desert Marigold- yellow/foreground, Blanket Flower- orange and yellow foreground and Penstemon- dark red to right of Ocotillo).
Agave with various desert plants and grass
A beautiful mix of colors - Lantana (purple and yellow), Cherry Sage (red plants by windows), Desert Spoon (foreground).
Grass with desert adapted plants along edge
Various flowering shrubs
Citrus and desert plants
Cacti and various desert plants
Backyard xeriscaping
Flowering shrubs and agave
Yellow and purple wildflowers
Xeriscaped front yard
Yellow wildflowers
Waterfall with xeriscape
Hummingbird visiting flowering agave
Bird on branch
Agave and wildflowers
Desert plants along walkway
Various succulents and desert plants
Hummingbird visiting flowers
This raised bed planting area is an attractive, water-efficient way to grow vegetables. Like the rest of the yard, it is watered with a drip system.
Various wildflowers
Front yard desert landscaping
Backyard landscaping
Irrigation box
Cactus and desert plants
Various desert plants
Various desert plants in front yard
Flowering shrubs
More front yard xeriscaping
Saguaro with various desert plants
Red bird of paradise
Flowering palo verde
Flowering palo verde
Beautiful red flowers
Waterfall with desert plants
Charles Mann
Waterfall with xeriscaping
Saguaro looking over gate
Desert plants in front yard
Palo verde trees
Flowering xeriscape
Backyard xeriscape
Flowering palo verde with various cacti and flowers
Various backyard landscaping with grass
Flowering prickly pear
Various desert shrubs
Various flowering shrubs
Flowering prickly pear
Flowering prickly pear
Charles Mann
Front yard with desert landscaping
Desert landscaping
Prickly pear and other various plants
Saguaros and various desert plants
Backyard xeriscaping
Front yard xeriscape
Various succulents
Xeriscape along walkway
Front yard xeriscape
Xeriscaping along the water
Various cacti and wildflowers
Cactus with wildflowers
Potted cacti
Tree Bear Grass forms the dramatic background for a diverse selection of cacti and succulents mixed with ground covers and seasonal wildflowers. Featured here are Red Barrel Cactus and Parry's Agave (from left to right in foreground) with Purple Verbana (yellow flowers), Firecracker Penstemon(to left of Eurphorbia) and Ice plant (bottom right).
Desert tree in landscape
Octopus Agaves provide a dramatic accent in this desert garden. The yellow ground cover (smaller) yellow flowers is Damianita.