News Room
Media Contact
Sheri Trapp
Glendale takes first place at Hydrant Hysteria
The Glendale Water Services Department won the state title in the annual Hydrant Hysteria Competition after assembling a fire hydrant in 1 minute and 21 seconds....
OPINION: Drought contingency plan evokes astonishment, buys time
When Congress passed legislation on April 8 authorizing the secretary of the Interior to sign the Drought Contingency Plan crafted by the Colorado River Basin states, the immediate reaction from nearly everyone could fairly be described as ...
OPINION: How California's drought-plan lawsuit hurts Arizona
All the Drought Contingency Plan did was buy us time - which we should use to plan and negotiate, not fight in court....
OPINION: How does Arizona defend its water against climate change and other threats?
In Arizona, it's not a single catastrophic event, but rather several slower-moving forces that most threaten our water supply....
Drone Zone: An inside look at Tres Rios Sanctuary
Tres Rios is a constructed wetland in the heart of the Valley. It's 700 acres of lush green areas in and around the Salt River make you feel as if you're far from the desert. The manmade facility has many uses including the treatment of rec...