Landscape Plants for the Arizona Desert
Succulents & Accents
Succulents can provide dramatic sculptural qualities to your landscape with minimal care. Use these accent plants individually or in a grouping to create a dramatic effect. Avoid too many different accents in one location, or the overall impact may be lost. Before deciding where to plant succulents, check their mature size and if they have thorns and additional plant features. Some larger succulents can overwhelm a small garden, and thorns or spines should not be located next to walkways, play areas, or traffic areas. Agaves are a popular succulent. It’s important to remember that once agaves mature, almost all will produce a spectacular flower stalk. Depending on the species, agaves will die after they bloom, usually five to 20 years after planting. However, many produce new plants with offsets or pups. Be cautious when cutting plant parts, as the sap can be irritating.

Banana Yucca


Blue Euphorbia

Blue Yucca


Cape Aloe

Cow's Horn Agave

Dawe's Aloe

Desert Milkweed

Desert Spoon

Elephant's Food


Giant Hesperaloe

Grass Tree

Medicinal Aloe

Mescal Ceniza


Octopus Agave

Paleleaf Yucca

Parry's Agave

Partridge Breast Aloe

Red Yucca

Sago Palm

Slipper Flower

Smooth Agave

Soaptree Yucca

Twin-flowered Agave

Weber's Agave