Carnegiea gigantea

Striking white blossoms serve as the state flower of Arizona. Flowers attract nocturnal pollinators, red fruits are enjoyed by birds. Shelters cavity-nesters. Consider mature size when deciding where to plant.
The Basics
Type: CactiSun: Full/reflected SunHardiness: 18°FWater: Very LowNative Sonoran DesertGrowth
Growth Rate: Very slowMature Height: 40'Mature Width: 10'Mature Form: ColumnarFoliage
EvergreenColor: Medium greenTexture: Gray spinesWildlife
Birds Nocturnal pollinators Cavity-nestersFlowers
Flower Color: White showySeason: Late springComments
Litter: LowThorns: LongIrritation: NoneAttracts Wildlife
Rabbit Resistant

Photo By: Dave Seibert

Photo By: Dave Seibert