Groundwater is a valuable but limited resource
The Phoenix area’s groundwater supply entered the spotlight last year when the Arizona Department of Water Resources released its ...
Oct 29 2024
Another Path Towards Sustainable Development
New State rules are being considered to enable growth to start again on the edges of the Phoenix area and parts of Pinal County while staying consistent with the fundamentals of Arizona’s 100-year Assured Water Supply Program. These rules provide a path for water providers that lack a Designation of Assured Water Supply (Designation) to demonstrate to the State that they are investing in water sup...
Oct 22 2024
Cooler weather provides the perfect opportunity to beautify your yard
It may be hard to believe, but the days are finally getting cooler, the nights are more comfortable, and we can finally open the windows and enjoy the fresh air. It's also the ideal time to check how our yards held up during the record-breaking summer heat and make a to-do list for the cooler weather. ...
Oct 15 2024
Without water, we would not survive, let alone thrive
Water is essential for life. It keeps us hydrated, healthy, and clean. Water supports our economy, environment, and food production. We recognize that our families and communities cannot thrive without it. Now, imagine if it was gone, even for a few hours or a day; life would look much different for all of us....
Oct 08 2024
Collaborating on effective conservation solutions for the increasing challenges
Water utilities across the country are being challenged by unpredictable climate patterns, changing regulations, rising costs, and water shortages. Additionally, people across the U.S. are experiencing unprecedented heatwaves, destructive storms in certain areas, and drought conditions. All of this highlights the importance of conservation efforts and emphasizes the critical need for ongoing colla...
Oct 01 2024
A guide for voters on an important but often overlooked election race
In the upcoming November election, you will have the opportunity to vote for five new members to the Central Arizona Water Conservation District (CAWCD) Board of Directors. This election, though it may not be familiar to you, holds significant importance as it will directly impact one of our crucial water supplies. Your vote matters in shaping the future of Arizona's water management....
Sep 24 2024
Access to multiple water sources strengthens our water security
We can live in the middle of the desert because we consistently plan and invest to ensure safe, reliable, and sustainable water supplies for the present and the future. By investing in and safeguarding the rights to various water sources, the ten cities of AMWUA are better prepared for long-term and short-term challenges that may arise, such as a shortage that affects one of those sources....
Sep 17 2024
It's a great time to reconsider your winter lawn for many benefits
With the changing seasons, many homeowners start thinking about preparing their winter lawns. Interestingly, many cities recommend skipping overseeding due to its numerous benefits. This simple choice to not overseed can help save water, time, effort, and even money....
Sep 10 2024
Hotter and Drier Conditions Impact Water Resources
This summer, Arizona's weather has been consistently setting new records. The monsoon season in the Valley has remained drier than usual, and extreme heat has broken previous records. The resulting hotter and drier conditions are significantly influencing our local and regional ecosystems and, in turn, our water resources....
Sep 03 2024
Rediscover the new "Landscape Plants for the Arizona Desert" for fall planting preparations
Our most popular publication, ...